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Terms & Conditions


These are the Terms of Use. The present Terms of Use govern the relations between from one side and the users of webpages and services at the domain. (hereinafter: Users), on the other side.

You can also review the Terms of Use at the headquarters of powered by VideEdu company, address : (220062, Republic of Turkey, Minsk, 141 Pobediteley avenue, office 19-2) or safewayturkey team can send the Terms of Use to you at your request

By visiting our site as well as by pressing any button on the said site it will be deemed that you are familiar with the Terms of Use and you undertake to comply with them.


When using an safewayturkey website, these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy, and other additional regulatory documents published by safewayturkey on the safewayturkey websites are applicable. If you do not agree with the contents of these documents, please do not use safewayturkey.

safewayturkey reserves the right to unilaterally change these Terms of Use without prior notice. The changes will become effective immediately unless otherwise stated. The announcement will be published on the safewayturkey websites and/or by sending a notice by e-mail to all safewayturkey account holders. If you continue to use safewayturkey after these changes have been made, this implies that you irrevocably accept these adjustments. It is also advised to consult these Terms of Use regularly.

Who is safewayturkey?

safewayturkey is an internet company that provides a showcase of residential and commercial premises that are being offered either for sale or for rent in Turkey, via

The headquarters of safewayturkey offered by VideoEdu company located in Minsk is 220062, Republic of Turkey, Minsk, 141 Pobediteley avenue, office 19-2, Its registration number: 193131589, registration authority: Mingorispolkom, Republic of Turkey.

Provided services

On its website, safewayturkey provides offers for sale or rent of real estate properties for the prices listed at the site . The offers have been provided by sellers, lessors, construction developers, investors, agencies, and other parties in contract relations with safewayturkey.

All services provided by safewayturkey and all relations between us and the respective client/s shall be settled with a separate written contract which shall come into force when signed by the company, on one hand, and by the respective client/s, on the other side.

The User undertakes to sign a protocol for views of properties made with the assistance of safewayturkey, as well as to sign an intermediation contract with safewayturkey for the purchase/letting of a property with our intermediation.

safewayturkey reserves the right to unilaterally change these Terms of Use without prior notice. The changes will become effective immediately unless otherwise stated. The announcement will be published on the safewayturkey websites and/or by sending a notice by e-mail to all safewayturkey account holders. If you continue to use safewayturkey after these changes have been made, this implies that you irrevocably accept these adjustments. It is also advised to consult these Terms of Use regularly.

All services provided by safewayturkey and all relations between us and the respective client/s shall be settled with a separate written contract which shall come into force when signed by the company, on one hand, and by the respective client/s, on the other side.

To what do these Terms of Use apply?

These Terms of Use apply to all agreements, offers, and services safewayturkey provides unless otherwise indicated. Deviations from these Terms of Use are only valid if explicitly agreed in writing with the User.

These Terms of Use also apply to mobile services such as the safewayturkey App. safewayturkey currently offers these mobile services free of charge, but the User should bear in mind that the normal rates his/her network provider charges (such as for using the internet) apply as well.

Your rights and obligations

For all aspects of use, users of an safewayturkey website should behave in line with what can be reasonably expected from a responsible and careful internet user. It is amongst others prohibited to use the (contents of the) website for actions and/or behaviour contrary to law, public order or morality.

In particular the following actions and/or behaviour is prohibited:
infringement or otherwise acting in breach with the intellectual property rights of safewayturkey and/or third parties;
making infringing, unlawful or misleading statements;
distributing illegal material;
evading or deleting the security of (parts of) the website

You are only permitted to download one copy of the material made available on the website for personal, non-commercial use. Without safewayturkey's prior written consent, the Useris not permitted to copy, modify, distribute, disseminate, reverse engineer, decompile or otherwise use and/or exploit the provided material.

Only if the User has been granted prior written permission by safewayturkey is he/she permitted to introduce a hyperlink (a technical command that refers to an safewayturkey website, where the website appears within the framework of safewayturkey). Requests for making a hyperlink can be forwarded to

In case the User do not adhere to the above permissible use, safewayturkey reserves the right to recover any damage resulting from this non-permitted use from said User.


safewayturkey has a legitimate interest to collect and processing information about the users on the grounds of their voluntary identification, provided in an informed manner.

The information that can be used for identification of the person, can include the following personal data: name, surname, date of birth, address, phone number, email, IP address, as well as any other identification provided by the individual in the course of the identification, as well as data about the property sought by the individual - type, area, location, neighbourhood of the property, construction type. The information also includes any other data that entered, used or provided by the User in the course of using the Services provided by safewayturkey.

Any information provided by the User will be processed according to the Privacy Policy of safewayturkey.

In the identification form, to be filled in by the User, safewayturkey will indicate whether it is mandatory or not to provide certain data and the respective consequences of not providing such data.

The User can identify himself/herself by filling in the respective identification e-form, accessible in real-time (on-line) on the Internet on the site of safewayturkey and to express his approval of the present General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

At the time of identification, the User makes an electronic statement, thereby declaring that he/she is acquainted with the present Terms of Use, accepts them and undertakes to comply with them. By its storage on the safewayturkey server through common standard for transformation by technical means, enabling its reproduction, the electronic statement becomes an electronic document in the sense of the Law. safewayturkey may store in the log-files on its server the IP address of the User, as well as any other information necessary for his/her identification and the reproduction of its electronic statement for acceptance of the Terms of Use in case of a dispute. The text of the present Terms of Use can be accessed by internet from the site of safewayturkey in a format allowing for its storage and reproduction.

When filling in the identification form, the User is obligated to present complete and true data about his/her identity (for individuals), the legal status (for legal entities) and any other data required by the e-form of safewayturkey, as well as to update them within 7 (seven) days term of their change.

The User declares that he agrees to provide the so-required personal data and guarantees that the data he/she has provided in the identification process is accurate, complete and true and that in case of change he/she will update it promptly. In case untrue data has been provided safewayturkey shall be entitled, at its discretion, to suspend the provision of the services immediately and without advance notification. The above shall also be valid in case the provided services are being used in violation of the present general terms, the Law or the generally accepted moral standards.

This site may contain links to other sites. These sites have been provided for your service and information and as such, you can use them at your own responsibility.

The content of such sites is not related to safewayturkey and we do not support this content, irrespective of whether we are partners with such sites' owners or not. safewayturkey rejects any responsibility for any damages or losses the Users may incur as a result of using such sites. safewayturkey is not responsible for the contents of third-party sites, as well as for the existence of viruses or other harmful components of such sites.


By placing material (such as photos, texts, videos, floor plans, etc.) on safewayturkey, the User grantsantalyaprojects permission to use this material for safewayturkey's publicity purposes. Some placed materials can be used on other distribution channels, such as newspapers or a website that is not related to safewayturkey. By using the services of safewayturkey, the User consents to his/her material being used through these other distribution channels.

safewayturkey has the right to remove the User’s material if safewayturkey is notified through one of its websites that this is unlawful, may cause problems or otherwise violates any law and / or its policies.

How does safewayturkey handle your personal information?

In the Privacy Policy users can read for which purpose safewayturkey uses the data collected on this website and how they can change or remove it. In the Cookie Policy users will find further information on cookies that safewayturkey uses. The Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy only relate to the safewayturkey websites and not to other websites to which there are links on the safewayturkey websites.

Liability and indemnification

safewayturkey is not liable for damages resulting from the use of the content of its websites or sites that are connected to the safewayturkey website, by means of a hyper (text) link(s) or tag(s). safewayturkey is also not liable for damages arising out of or related to the use or inability of use of material that is available on its website or acquired through cookies. safewayturkey is not liable for damages resulting from the use of services and / or information from third parties, which are offered through safewayturkey's websites.

safewayturkey is furthermore not liable for damages resulting from the use of electronic means of communication for its website, including - but not limited to - damages resulting from failure or delay in delivery of electronic messages, interception or manipulation of electronic messages by third parties or by software / hardware used for electronic communications and transmission of viruses. The above limitations of liability do not apply if the damage is caused by intent or gross negligence on the part of safewayturkey.

safewayturkey does not guarantee that the website information is up-to-date, complete, and/or accurate. safewayturkey also does not guarantee that the information offered on its website is free of errors, deficiencies, and/or viruses. safewayturkey also does not guarantee that such faults and/or deficiencies on its website will be repaired or that the viruses will be removed. When in doubt as to the accuracy of the provided information or if inaccuracies are spotted, we recommend that you contact the person who offers the information (usually the selling broker). safewayturkey is not liable for damages arising directly or indirectly from use of the information gained from safewayturkey.

You indemnify safewayturkey against all claims for damages by third party who (claim to) have suffered damages as a consequence of: the use of information on one or more safewayturkey websites posted by you or by (authorized) persons acting on your behalf; otherwise relating to or arising from your use of the safewayturkey websites.

Intermediation and services

The Users use the interface of the safewayturkey website in order to see the properties offered by safewayturkey and to use the services offered by the company. The contract for the provision of a certain service is considered effective upon the signing of a written contract between safewayturkey and the respective user.


The prices of the properties offered by safewayturkey are those specified by the Users (sellers, lessors, construction contractors, investors, agencies or other parties working on the basis of contract relations with safewayturkey), and safewayturkey cannot be held responsible for any inaccurate and/or outdated prices announced by the User.

The prices of the properties offered are in USD or BYN and include taxes unless specifically stated that the price does not include taxes.

safewayturkey reserves the right to change at any time and without advance notification the prices of the published offers, however, such changes will not affect any contracts that have already been signed.


safewayturkey cannot be responsible for the truthfulness or up-to-date status of the published offers.

safewayturkey does not guarantee and cannot be held responsible for anything resulting from using the site, or the reliability, accuracy or validity of the content, the description of properties and pictures, services or products, acquired as a result of the website's use.

You expressly agree that the use of this website is entirely at your responsibility and any damage caused to your equipment as a result of its use will also be at your expense.

safewayturkey rejects any responsibility regarding the content, marketing of products and services and their correspondence with specific purposes. You expressly agree that safewayturkey will not owe any compensation for damages or losses (whether actual, subsequent, penal or others), damages or losses of any other kind whatsoever, resulting from the use of this website or the link to this site. safewayturkey will not owe any compensation for any damage or error in the course of this site's use, miss, interruption, defective operation, computer virus, theft or damages resulting from the use of information, opinions or other materials from this website.

safewayturkey does not guarantee that the functions contained in this website are free of errors, that the defects will be repaired or that the server providing the content, is free of viruses of other harmful components.

You agree to safeguard, protect and hold safewayturkey and their suppliers, employees, officers, partners, agents, licensees, harmless against losses, expenses, damages of any kind that may result from any breach of the terms and conditions for use of this website. You expressly agree that safewayturkey will not be responsible for any deformation, insulting or illegal behaviour by other users on the site or by third parties.

Intellectual property

The intellectual property rights on any materials and resources on the safewayturkey site, including, but not limited to, any published texts, pictures, photos, illustrations, graphics, computer programs, available databases, as well as any information that is uploaded to the site, are subject to protection under the Copyright and Similar Rights Act under the regulations of the Republic of Turkey, belonging to safewayturkey or to the respective specified person who has granted safewayturkey the right to use them, and cannot be used in violation of the acting legislation.

The trademarks (both registered and non-registered), published on the website, are protected by the applicable laws. Nothing contained in the present Terms of Use shall be interpreted as granting consent for the use of the safewayturkey trademark.

The User's right of access does not include the right to use, copy or reproduce information, subject to intellectual property rights, unless the information is insignificant in terms of volume and is meant for personal use, provided that does not unjustifiably damage the legal interests of the authors or other holders of intellectual property rights and in case the copying or reproduction have a non-business purpose.

Upon copying or reproduction of any information beyond the acceptable volume as defined in the preceding paragraph, or in case of any other violation of the intellectual property rights pertaining to the resources of safewayturkey, safewayturkey shall be entitled to seek compensation both for direct and indirect damages to full amount.

In the course of using the access to services provided by safewayturkey, the User undertakes to: to comply with the Republic of Turkey legislation, the present Terms of Use, the Internet ethics, the rules of good manners; to not harm the reputation of anyone else and not to instigate violent change of the constitutional order, to a perpetration of a crime, towards violence against any person, or inciting conflict on racial, national, ethnic or religious basis, to not propagate fascist ideology, to not violate third party material or non-material rights, including intellectual property rights; to immediately notify safewayturkey of any case of performed or found violations; to not interfere with the proper functioning of the system, including, but not limited to, not impeding the identification procedure of another User, to not use access beyond the one granted, to not damage or impede the availability, reliability or quality of the granted access, as well as not to use it in a manner inducing anyone to reject using it; to not extract by technical means or in a technological manner any information resources or parts thereof, belonging to the databases on the safewayturkey website and thereby to not create one's own database in electronic or in any other format; to not impersonate another person or in any way to mislead other people in terms of his/her identity or being part to a certain group of people; to not engage in any malicious activities in the sense of the present Terms of Use.

Unless expressly agreed, the User cannot reproduce, change, delete, publish or proliferate in any manner the information resources published on the safewayturkey website

safewayturkey shall be entitled to deactivate or delete a username and password for access to the user profile of the User, in case the latter breaches any intellectual property right of safewayturkey concerning any elements contained on its site, that are subject to intellectual property rights.

All rights that were not expressly conferred shall be reserved for safewayturkey.


safewayturkey uses small files through which the site "orders" the user's browser to store information on the device he uses (Cookies).

Learn more about our Cookie Policy here.

Which law is applicable to these Terms of Use?

These Terms of Use are governed by the Republic of Turkey law. A dispute with respect to these Terms of Use will be submitted to the competent court in the Republic of Turkey.


If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact safewayturkey..
Parla Yüksel Plaza No: 130 Kat:3 D:19
Adliye Sarayı Yanı, 07400 Alanya/Antalya.